Do something nice for you
A “treat” is a small pleasure or indulgence that we give to ourselves.
When we give ourselves treats, we feel energized, cared for and contented. It’s a form of self-care.

Some ideas to treat yourself
- Take something you would ordinarily do and make it extraordinary
- Take yourself out to dinner
- Order take out and use your best dishes
- Take a bubble bath
- Have a glass of champagne
- Savor a piece of really good chocolate
- Read a book for pleasure
- Allow yourself to rest and do nothing.
- Disconnect and unplug from technology
- Give yourself the day off (mental day/sick day)
- Pick or buy yourself flowers
- Light a candle
- Go to a favorite place
- Let the sun shine on your face
- Use the things you save for special occasions
- Do something you love and make it the priority of the day