The only limits we have are what we put on ourselves.
Open yourself up to possibility.
We don’t realize that we set limits for ourselves or that we allow others to set them for us.
When we were kids, our parents set limits for us to keep us safe, on task or for your well being. These may have included:
- how much tv or “screen time” you may have
- curfews to be home by midnight
- getting homework done before you go to work
- # of after school activities you could do
- what type of job you should have
The list goes on. In high school as I was trying to decide what I should go to school for I hadn’t been exposed to the plethora of jobs and careers available. When I started to do research I became aware of new possibilities. I continued to stay open to learning new things and growing my edges.
What I started out doing 25 years ago has evolved way beyond what I ever considered for myself. A huge motivator for me was when I was told “you won’t be able to do….”this or that”.
I always thought, oh yeah. Watch me. I’ll show you. I worked really hard. My hard work paid off as I achieved my goals. I’ll admit It gets tiring always having to prove yourself to others. Now, I only work to prove things to myself.
Ask yourself these questions:
- Where in your life are you limiting yourself?
- What beliefs do you have that are limiting your potential?
- What things did you hear as a child or now that limit you?
- If you focused your time, effort and energy on the goal rather than the excuses that help limit you, what could you achieve?