Personal Relationships
As human beings that crave connection, our personal relationships are one of our most cherished things in our lives.
The relationship with our spouse or partner impacts our daily living.
We rely on the trust that has been built over time. There is usually a give and take in our relationship and it’s a place where we often feel loved and supported.
We have personal relationships with our family members and close friends.
These relationships have been built over time with effort and add value to who we are.
Building the relationship
Take for instance the relationship with your children.
For many, there isn’t an instant bond felt immediately at birth.
We develop relationships over time.
It starts first with getting used to the idea of being pregnant and experiencing the pregnancy and all that come with that.
We get used to the idea and concept of giving birth.
We learn what it may entail.
The birthing process and physical birth occurs as your child arrives.
There’s the moment when you first lay eyes on your child then holding her or him for the first time.
Is it instantaneous, love at first sight?
For some people it may be? For others the bond and relationship develop as you get to know her.
- Counting her fingers and toes.
- Hearing the noises, she makes
- Holding and talking to her
- Feeding and changing her
- Discovering all the little things about her
- Discovering all the little things about yourself as you take on this new role of mother
Our most valuable and priceless relationships take years and years to build
We need to work on building and maintaining them otherwise they will slowly fade or die off. We see the benefits and value of our relationships measured over their lifetime.
Nurture Relationships
It’s important to nurture your relationships.
Ways to nurture your relationships
- Reach out to someone you haven’t spoken to or seen in awhile
- Set up a date to get together
- Have frequent conversations
- Send a card to let them know you’re thinking of them
- Share what’s happening in your life
- Ask for support
- Share your goals and dreams
- Provide emotional support or validation
- Have compassion
- Forgive
- Work thru disagreements
- Share experiences together
- Admit your mistakes
- Have fun with each other
What relationships in your life do you need to follow up on and nurture?