Have you ever needed a self-confidence boost?

Maybe you’ve gone through a difficult time or are doubting your skills and abilities.
Maybe you’re frustrated and are wondering whether you’re still adding value and making valued contributions through your work.
I was feeling a bit like this.
We had gone thru a re-org a couple years ago and the decision maker didn’t know and didn’t bother to ask anything about the people that were going to be part of the team. As a result, the culture of the organization changed, leadership style changed, and jobs changed. The leadership style went from empowering and collaborative to top down, controlling and micro-management.
It’s killed morale. People’s skillsets are not being utilized and there is no room or forum for feedback or idea sharing.
I can only describe the situation as mind numbing and like living a slow death.
Recently, I was working on a project where the leader’s style is one of empowerment and appreciation of people, their knowledge, skills, and contributions. I felt like I’m not only contributing value, but my expertise and knowledge is actually being sought out.
Working for someone who gets it is so refreshing!
It’s like a booster shot to my self-confidence and energizer to my well-being.
Ways to boost your self-confidence is to:
- A few ways to give your self-confidence a boost is to:
- take on a new project where you can utilize your skills
- seek out an opportunity where you can showcase your talents
- do something you love
- do something with people who appreciate you
Tips for leading others
- -Value your people
- -Give them interesting work
- -Utilize & develop their skills
- -Delegate & trust others to do the work; don’t micro-manage them
- -Know the value of collaboration
- -Work with someone whose strength is your weakness to make you better
- -Make sure your behaviors are in alignment with the values and behaviors you expect from others