Change Your Perspective

Kim Wilkish - New Tides Coaching
Leadership Coaching for Women
by Kim Wilkish
by Kim Wilkish
Maybe you’ve gone through a difficult time or are doubting your skills and abilities.
Maybe you’re frustrated and are wondering whether you’re still adding value and making valued contributions through your work.
I was feeling a bit like this.
We had gone thru a re-org a couple years ago and the decision maker didn’t know and didn’t bother to ask anything about the people that were going to be part of the team. As a result, the culture of the organization changed, leadership style changed, and jobs changed. The leadership style went from empowering and collaborative to top down, controlling and micro-management.
It’s killed morale. People’s skillsets are not being utilized and there is no room or forum for feedback or idea sharing.
I can only describe the situation as mind numbing and like living a slow death.
Recently, I was working on a project where the leader’s style is one of empowerment and appreciation of people, their knowledge, skills, and contributions. I felt like I’m not only contributing value, but my expertise and knowledge is actually being sought out.
Working for someone who gets it is so refreshing!
It’s like a booster shot to my self-confidence and energizer to my well-being.
by Kim Wilkish
The key ingredients of personal leadership contribute to your personal makeup and your ability to be the leader of your life.
If you are not taking care of yourself, you aren’t able to be your best in anything that you do. What we do as human beings first require skills to be developed.
Who we are being in any moment derives from our mindset, behaviors and our identity as a person.