I have been working with a great group of women who have been triggering ideas and opening up possibilities within me. One thing that has come to my attention is the words that have been used. Words like joy, zest, energy, spirit, flow, juicy, passion, creativity, goddess, heart centered, happiness, possibilities, empower, emerge, play, fun…
It really got me thinking about how often do we hear words like this in our daily lives or at the office, school, or at home.
The words I have been hearing in my job are more about reductions, layoffs, scarcity, fear, more with less, looking for opportunities, transition and the unknown which is such the opposite of the words that these women use when describing their businesses and how they want to impact the world. It’s interesting the impact these words have on our emotional responses, our moods, and our environment. It’s amazing to see how quickly we can get absorbed into the negativity and bury our creativity, playfulness, mood, and spirit.
I have personally observed people who were passionate about their work and it’s impact become disengaged, stressed, withdrawn, due to the language and office environment as of late.
We do have the power of choice. Though there may be circumstances that may not be in our control; how we decide to show up, our mood, attitude, the words we use are up to us. What words will you use? It’s easy to change them and the impact of them can be powerful to our emotions and mood. Emotions are contagious! Notice what people say, the words they use then decide what words will you use? How will you choose to be?